Tango Spa v10 2023: The DJ's .
Thanks to Ricardo Peixoto the line up of DJ's for Tango Spa v10
is as follows:
Friday 27th October 8.07 to 11.30 pm : Welcome Milonga, Warwick Court House Ballroom, Jury Street, Warwick CV34 4EW. Ricardo Oria will DJ. Ricardo stepped in a few years ago when the promised DJ was unwell. His sense of mischief, informality, and understanding of the dynamics of a milonga, fitted the occasion so well that we haven't let him rest for the first night of our festival since then.
For the Matinee Milonguitas at the Royal Pump Rooms Conservatory we traditionally make use of more local talent:
Saturday 28th October 2 pm to 6 pm our DJ is Andy Adamson. His career as DJ took off post lock down, with mentoring by Mabel Gomez. It follows a long career of performing, teaching, and directing music, drama and dance. Fastidious about finding the best versions from traditional tango, he is also an enthusiast of new ones current in Buenos Aires. This together with his proven ability to rise to an occasion makes him an excellent choice to generate an informal and enchanting afternoon's tango in this charming venue.
Sunday 29th October 12 noon to 4 pm (approx) our DJ is Juan de Scarfo: who else could it be? One of Juan's hallmarks is the absolute, obvious, and infectious delight he has in the music he plays. He has turned this slot into his own, demonstrating his adaptability, and giving excitement and satisfaction to his dancers whether they are just arriving for Sunday or have been in action since Friday evening.
For the Twilight Tango in the Royal Pump Rooms on Sunday 29th October, 4 pm to 8.30 pm the DJ must be Ricardo Peixoto himself, co-founder with Su Park of Tango Warwick, and internationally sought after tango DJ. He will use his usual skills to frame guest star Corina Piatti's wonderful singing live for us to dance to, and will use the extra time he has to make us wish there would be no stopping, and dance until the very last chord of the last song of the last tanda.
The Grand Spa Ball, in the Regency glory of the Royal Pump Rooms is on Saturday night 28th October, 8 pm -12.50 am. It includes a performance by our guest star performers & teachers Ricardo & Jenny Oria. For this, one of the prime events in our calendar, the DJ will be:
"Every Milonga is a small life." "Carpe Diem."
Based in Málaga, Spain, Francisco is Milonguero, DJ and organizer of meetings and milongas in Spain since 2004. His music is playful and dynamic. He is an enthusiast who overflows with energy and never misses a cheeky opportunity to make his entertainment rich and varied. He has been musicalizing meetings in Spain and Europe. He loves tango milonguero danced with rhythm and sensitivity. He prefers the orchestras of the 30s and 40s.
It all looks good, don't you think?
For booking information, and information about classes by Jenny & Ricardo, dance passes, etc see https://tangowarwick.org/ under "Tango Spa 2023" Passes must be booked in advance.
Happy Summer, with lots to look forward to,
David, (for Tango Warwick).