Tango Spa/ Tango Vals/ Milongas Ideal/Practicas

Tango Warwick operates on Fridays and Wednesdays throughout the summer. We welcome visitors and newcomers.

  • TANGO SPA v11 update.  Workshops for our festival, October 25-27th, are filling up. Workshop 4 is full.  All except W1 are likely to be full within the week.  All are unlikely to accept single followers, and single leaders will need to book quickly.  Discounted passes for the  dance events are still available. For details and booking see https://tangowarwick.org/programme

  •  TANGO VALS CLASSES: Tango Vals will be the topic of  Luis & Elizabeth's classes in Leamington from 7.30 pm on Fridays 23rd & 30th August. This will give a quartet of classes complementing, but also revisiting the early summer trio of classes in June. They will be preceded by the Fundamentals/ Beginners class from 6.30pm -7.30, and followed by the usual practica from 9.30 to 10.30. Visitors welcome, no partner needed.  For details see the Tango Warwick Facebook site or https://tangowarwick.org/news/2024/8/8/tango-warwick-classes-practicas-milongas-schedule-for-august-and-onwards-tango-vals-classes-visit-us.   

  • MILONGA IDEAL (SEPTEMBER): The  September edition  of our monthly milonga will be on Friday 6th September 8pm to midnight,  at Warwick Space, with guest DJ Katerina Stoyanova. Details as usual but also see later news, or Facebook.

  • MILONGA IDEAL with TANGO CALOR live (OCTOBER): The October edition is extra special with the very popular Tango Calor  trio playing for us to dance to, and with Mabel Gomez as DJ. It will be on Friday 4th October, 7.30 pm to midnight at Warwick Space, entry £20 (£12 for students). (Note the earlier start.) Preregistration/booking  is asked for to avoid overcrowding. This can be done via the google form  https://forms.gle/4dbZXhTweGtgvm7Y6      and may involve advanced payment.  

  • TOTALLY INFORMAL PRACTICAS: continue on Wednesdays at Warwick Space , 8.15 pm to 10.15pm. Tango dancers all levels welcome, partner not needed. 

Hope to see you!
David, for Tango Warwick 

Tango Warwick