Absolute Beginners/Tango Vals/ Corina Piatti/Diary

STOP PRESSThe wonderful  Corina Piatti has agreed to sing and play for us to dance to for Twilight Milonga on Sunday 25th October. Just like old times!  An innovation for Tango Spa is that the Friday Welcome Milonga & Class will be the height of elegance at the Warwick Court House Ballroom. Everything else will be at the Pump Rooms or North Hall in central Leamington.


Diary of Tango events coming up:

  • Wednesday 19th  February 8.30-10.30 pm:  Practica/social dance at Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick,CV34 4NU

  • Friday 21st  February: 6.30pm-10-30 pm : Tango Warwick classes & practica with Luis Rodriguez & Elizabeth Knock.  Absolute beginners welcome at 6.30 pm. Concentration on Vals from 7.30 pm.

  • Wednesday 26th  February 8.30-10.30 pm  Practica/social dance at Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, CV34 4NU

  • Friday 28th February: 6.30pm-10.30 pm :   Tango Warwick classes & practica with Luis Rodriguez & Elizabeth Knock, usual details.

  • Wednesday 4th  March 8.30-10.30 pm  Practica/social dance at Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, CV34 4NU

  • Friday 6th March. Milonga Ideal hosted by Warwick University Argentine Tango Society as part of their mini-festival. At Warwick SPACE.  Details later.

  • Wednesdays 11th, 18th, 25th  March 8.30-10.30 pm  Practica/social dance at Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, CV34 4NU

  • Fridays  13th, 20th , 27th March: 6.30pm-10.30 pm :   Tango Warwick classes & practica with Luis Rodriguez & Elizabeth Knock, usual details.

  • Friday 3rd April: 8.30 -00.30: Milonga Ideal, at Warwick SPACE; DJ Ricardo Peixoto.

  • Friday 1st May: 8.30-00.30: Milonga La Ideal with live music by Tango Calor quartet & DJ Mabel Gomez, Warwick SPACE

  • Friday 23rd -Sunday 26th October. Tango Spa with Jenny & Ricardo Oria, Corina Piatti,  and lots of dancingWarwick Courthouse BallroomRoyal Spa Pump Rooms, workshops at  North Hall Leamington. Usual sort of details. Registration soon! 


ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS are welcome to come to start Tango this Friday 21st Feb, at 6.30pm. Restarters too!

From 7.30 pm our teachers Luis Alberto Rodriguez Predieri & Elizabeth Knock will concentrate on Tango Vals, and at 9.30 approx the evening will be rounded off by the usual lively practica with some cake, wine, and fine cordials. DJ Andy Adamson.

There will be the usual more advanced courses later in evening, restricted to more experienced dancers and by permission of the teacher. They will concentrate on tango vals for this week. Most students find joining in the basic classes useful, or essential, even while taking the most advanced ones. Of course we will be very happy to have newcomers.
Luis & Elizabeth often are available for private, or semi-private, classes on Saturdays. Please contact them via Luisyelitango@gmail.com

For new beginners:

• You don't need a partner, Argentine Tango is a social dance and it is standard practice to change partners during the classes.

• It is best to have shoes in which you can slide and pivot on the floor. Avoid rubber heels or soles if you can.

• Dress can be informal or almost anything in which you can freely move, but remember that you will be dancing fairly close to a partner who may be sensitive to anything from strong perfume to curry!

• Let me know if you have any queries I might help with.

Here Luis & Elizabeth are demonstrating for a previous Tango Warwick vals class:


The timing for Friday 21st February is as usual:

6.30pm to 7.30 pm: Beginners, including Absolute Beginners, & Essential Tango Techniques {Please arrive a bit before the start if you possibly can, to help the class to begin on time.}

7.15 pm to 8.15 pm: Essential Tango Techniques & Improvers Vals
8.15pm for 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm: Intermediates Vals
9.30 (approx) to 10.30 (approx): Practica.

Teachers: Elizabeth Knock & Luis Rodrigues

Prices: Beginners Classes £8 (£5 for students with student Id), together with Improvers class £10 (£8).
Other classes £8 (£6) for one, £12 (£10) for the whole evening.

Practica: Free with classes otherwise £2.

WHERE: St Mary's Church, St Mary's Rd, Leamington Spa, CV31 1JW, Leamington Spa.
In church hall next to the church towards the south end of St Mary's Rd. There is a car park by the side of the church. If full there is usually ample parking on the nearby roads. Close to bus routes. Walking distance from Leamington train station.

Hope to see you!

David (For Tango Warwick).

Tango Warwick