Christmas party practica/ January milonga/ Raquel Greenberg classes

No Space practica this Wednesday nor again 'til Jan 2025. 

But this Friday 20th December, you are invited to join our informal Christmas Party Practica at St Mary's : St Mary's Church Hall, St Mary's Rd, Leamington Spa,  CV31 1JW  This will be a purely social dancing & practica event. It is designed to give an opportunity for social dancing or practice especially to those who have been coming to our earlier classes on Fridays and so not stayed for the regular practicas; as well as for all levels to have an enjoyable evening. 

Not limited to Tango Warwick regulars! A good opportunity for very irregulars. Why not drop by for a few tandas even if you can't stay ?

Andy Adamson will provide the music. 

Visiting tango dancers most welcome. Partners not needed.

There will be a drop to drink-- mulled wine, unmauled wine, and fine cordials, but you are welcome to bring your own, plus some cake etc. It would help if some of you could let us know if you expect to come, so that we know whether to cater for 15 or 55.

COST: £8 (£5 for students with card) in CASH at door.


3rd January 2025: La Milonga Ideal, special  "9th day of Christmas" Edition at St Nicholas Church Warwick with guest DJ Ewa Zbzreska. 6.30 pm to 10.30 pm , cost £15.Pre-registration strongly recommended: use google form or email tangowarks@gmail. com.  More details next week or see   It will be Cintia Morea's last Milonga Ideal before she leaves with her family to Argentina after 12 years here, and so it will also be a good opportunity to bid her farewell .


Friday 10th January 6.30 to 7.45 and 8.00 to 9.30: Classes at St Mary's with guest teacher Raquel Greenberg, (All levels, but not first time beginners, at 6.30,  Intermediates onward at 8pm) then practica. St Mary's Church Hall , St Mary's Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1JW. 


Looking forward to seeing you!

 David, for Tango Warwick

Tango Warwick