New beginners classes/ Diary/ Private Classes

New beginners are especially welcome this Friday 14th at  the 6.30 pm class at St Mary's, Leamington Spa CV CV31 1JW. Do come along if you have been wishing you could dance Argentine Tango as a social dance, or tell your friends about this potentially  life changing opportunity.  (With the usual warnings about possible addiction of course.) The other classes are as usual. Details below.

Private Classes with Luis & Elizabeth: there are possibilities to have a private, or semi-private,

 class with Luis & Elizabeth on Saturday 15th Feb, morning or early afternoon,  in Leamington Spa. If interested please  contact them via


 Wed 12th February : 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space,71 Coten End, Warwick CV34 4NU. ( Cost £5: if you have done a couple of classes please come along to practice or to just enjoy dancing. No partner needed.)

Fri 14th February: 6.30-10.30 , Argentine Tango classes including for absolute beginners, and practica at St Mary’s, CV31 1JW. resident teachers Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock. Details below.

Wed 19th February : 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space

Fri 21st February: 6.30 to 10.30, Argentine Tango classes and practica at St Mary’s, resident teachers Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock. Usual details.

Wed 26th February : 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space.

Fri 28th February: 6.30-10.30 , classes and practica at St Mary’s, resident teachers Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock. Special emphasis on milonga from 7.30 pm.

Wed 5th March, 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space.

Friday 7th March: (To be confirmed: 6.45 to, WARWICK SPACE, Tango Class by Luis & Elizabeth for beginners/ improvers who have

done some classes, including tango etiquette, before La Milonga Ideal at 8 pm.)

Friday 7th March:8pm -midnight, La Milonga Ideal, Warwick Space, 1 Coten End, Warwick CV34 4NU. Guest DJ Diego Doigneau.

Early March: Booking for Tango Spa v12, 24th-26th Oct. will open!

CLASSES +Practica on 14th February:

WHERE: St Mary's Church Hall, St Mary's Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1JW. 
6.30pm-7.30pm  Tango Fundamentals including absolute beginners. Please arrive a few minutes early to start on time.
7.15-8.15 Fundamentals and improvers Argentine Tango class; 
8.15 pm for 8.30-9.30 Intermediate/advanced Argentine Tango class; 
9.30-10.30pm (approx) Practica, 
PRICES: 6.30 class £8 (£5 for students with student Id), together with improvers class £12 (£8)
Other classes £10 (£5) for one, £15 (£10) for the whole evening.
Practica: Free with classes otherwise £3 (£4).

Warwick Tango's classes & practica with our resident teachers Luis & Elizabeth give you Friday evenings full of friendly people and exciting classes. They come with the promise of wonderful social events, almost anywhere in the inhabited world. 

You do not need to come with a partner.

We welcome single dancers as well as couples, newcomers as well as those we haven't seen for months, irregulars and regulars alike.

Experienced dancers also join the 6.30 pm class in order to perfect their techniques, and help bring on beginners.
The 7.15 pm and 8.30 pm classes are for more experienced dancers (in Argentine Tango). If there can be any doubt about your level, especially for the 8.30 class, please ask the teachers. 

The evening is completed by a sociable and lively practica/social dance, with some wine, fine cordials, and cake. It will be instructive, friendly, and a very enjoyable evening's dancing. You are welcome to stay for the practica even if not doing the later classes: you can read, dream,... or visit a nearby pub (the nearby New Inn, CV31 1DW is in the Good Beer Guide).
TEACHERS:The teachers are our superb "resident" teachers: Luis Rodriguez and Elizabeth Knock. Their emphasis on elegance and musicality , and with dancing in milongas in mind, has made them justly popular. 
They are based in London. See for more about them. They are sometimes available for private or semi-private classes on Saturdays. For this please contact them via


Hope to see you!

David, for Tango Warwick 

Tango Warwick