Followers??/ Diary
Where are all the followers? Tango Warwick classes & practica at St Mary's have a chronic shortage. It's not a serious problem because teachers Luis & Elizabeth cope with it very well, mainly by the "bus stop" technique, but it seems a pity and it does mean the followers we have are kept very busy during the evening. The leaders seem happy enough, so don't be put off coming if you are a leader!
This week we have the totally informal practica tonight, and on Friday: classes plus practica by Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock. Beginners still welcome. Coming up there is the March Milonga Ideal with DJ Diego Doigneau to look forward to!
DIARY: (For usual details see
Wed 19th February : 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space. (Usual details.)
Fri 21st February: 6.30 to 10.30, Argentine Tango classes and practica at St Mary’s, resident teachers Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock. Usual details.
Wed 26th February : 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space.
Fri 28th February: 6.30-10.30 , classes and practica at St Mary’s, resident teachers Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock. Special emphasis on milonga from 7.30 pm.
Wed 5th March, 8.15 to 10.15, Informal practica, Warwick Space.
Friday 7th March: (To be confirmed): 6.45 to, WARWICK SPACE, Tango Class by Luis & Elizabeth for beginners/ improvers who have done some classes, emphasis on dancing in milongas, including tango etiquette, before La Milonga Ideal at 8 pm.
Friday 7th March:8 pm -midnight, La Milonga Ideal, Warwick Space, 1 Coten End, Warwick CV34 4NU. Guest DJ Diego Doigneau.
Early March: Booking for Tango Spa v12, 24th-26th Oct. will open!
Hope to see you,
David, for Tango Warwick.